
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Ego vs. EQ

 Ego vs. EQ

In Ego vs. EQ, Jen Shirkani demonstrates that leaders with high emotional intelligence (EQ) display situational awareness and emotional connectedness, which are two vital skills for building employee engagement. Despite the importance of EQ, many executives neglect to develop it. Shirkani explores the various Ego Traps that trip up executives and shows leaders how to recognize and move past them.

Friday, December 18, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for On Message

 On Message
In On Message, Theo Theobald outlines a new strategy for communicating online. As more people rely on the Internet for news and information, communicators can reach larger, more diverse, and more active audiences than ever before. While this has leveled the playing field and provided new opportunities for many people, the new challenge is crafting messages that will be heard over the multitude of messages online. To reach an audience in this crowded arena, Theobald endorses a strategy of crafting consistent, engaging, and substantive messages that respond directly to an audience’s specific desires and needs.

Friday, December 11, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Does It Work?

 Does It Work?
In Does It Work?, Shane Atchison and Jason Burby tap into their own experiences as digital marketers of the POSSIBLE creative agency to provide the tools and processes necessary for creating effective marketing plans. A guidebook to delivering business value, Does It Work? demonstrates that by setting goals, employing metrics, and fueling creativity with data, digital marketers can build more effective brands. To this end, Atchison and Burby offer 10 marketing principles that all brands must follow to achieve success in today’s digital world.

Friday, December 4, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Rise of the Robots

 Rise of the Robots

In Rise of the Robots, author Martin Ford taps into his years of experience in software development to discuss the dangerous impact robotics may soon have on the economy. According to Ford, accelerating technology not only has the power to eliminate blue- and white-collar jobs, but may derail the economic system altogether. In order to prevent this bleak future, leaders must learn about the fundamentals of both accelerating technology and the economy. Only with an understanding of these two forces can leaders begin shaping the policies necessary to prevent a future of economic despair.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Legendary Service

 Legendary Service

Successful businesses are built on relationships. No relationships are more important than the relationships companies have with their customers, both internal and external. In Legendary Service, Ken Blanchard, Kathy Cuff, and Vicki Halsey champion the notion that truly caring about customers provides a competitive edge, makes employees and customers happy, and grows the bottom line. The legendary service they describe is based on the ICARE model, which begins with creating a vision of what ideal customer service looks like, then enculturating that vision into the organization. To bring the ICARE principles to life, the authors take readers on business student and retail employee Kelsey Young’s journey as she discovers firsthand the difference legendary customer service can make to customers and employees.

Friday, November 20, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for The Creator’s Code

 The Creator's Code

Creators, extraordinary entrepreneurs who have built hugely profitable businesses, share some common traits and practices. Amy Wilkinson has codified these into six essential skills she calls the creator’s code. She identified a select group of creators who have massively scaled their businesses to at least $100 million in annual revenue, then conducted qualitative studies of these entrepreneurs to identify the skills and traits that set them apart. In The Creator’s Code, Wilkinson posits that extraordinary entrepreneurs share an ability to identify unmet needs, to keep focused on the long term, to make fast decisions, and to learn from failure. They solve problems with diverse teams and are unflagging in their generosity. In short, the book provides the template for entrepreneurial success that the author’s research subjects never had.

Friday, November 13, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Mighty Midsized Companies

 Mighty Midsized Companies

In Mighty Midsized Companies, consultant and former midsized company CEO Robert Sher discusses the seven “silent growth killers” that can derail or even destroy midsized companies, especially since these growth killers tend to occur together. He explains that midsized companies (those with revenues between $10 million and $1 billion) have issues specific to them that are seldom discussed in business schools or in the media. He discusses practical strategies that enable company leaders to recognize and avoid the following seven growth killers of midsized companies: (1) letting time slip-slide away, (2) strategy tinkering at the top, (3) reckless attempts at growth, (4) fumbling strategic acquisitions, (5) operational meltdowns, (6) liquidity crashes, and (7) tolerating dysfunctional leaders.

Friday, November 6, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Hardball


In Hardball, George Stalk and Rob Lachenauer explain that playing hardball in business means always playing to win. Businesses must exploit every legal means available to gain and use competitive advantages to acquire market share, build decisive advantages, and make permanent changes to their industries. Playing hardball is a mindset, but it also means following a set of guidelines for what to do--and what not to do--to stay in the game and win.

Friday, October 30, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Mind Gym

 Mind Gym

Sometimes life’s circumstances are out of people’s control. However, how individuals think, feel, and behave as a result of those circumstances is very much within their control. It is simply a matter of learning to think, react, and respond in positive and productive ways. In Mind Gym, authors Sebastian Bailey and Octavius Black share scientifically based exercises and techniques anyone can use to train the mind to think positively and productively, including resetting thoughts, taking control, deepening connections, persuading others, resolving conflict, letting creative juices flow, and minimizing stress. The result is a more successful, fulfilling life.

Friday, October 23, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Dare to Serve

 Dare to Serve

Dare to Serve by Cheryl Bachelder focuses on servant leadership, which puts the needs of others ahead of the needs of leaders. Bachelder outlines the thinking behind this concept, detailing how organizations will benefit at every level (including the bottom line) by adopting a system of respect, accountability, and humility.

Friday, October 16, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for No One Understands You and What to Do About It

 No One Understands You and What to Do About It

Individuals are often misunderstood by others, despite what they consider to be their best efforts to communicate clearly. This disconnect can create many issues, both in the business world and in an individual’s personal life. At the heart of the problem is the fact that many people are unable to accurately see themselves as others see them. They simply do not know how they are perceived, so they cannot make adjustments to present their true selves. In No One Understands You and What to Do About It, Heidi Grant Halvorson explains the unconscious drivers behind the misperceptions people have about one another and provides a practical guide to making sure the impressions individuals make are exactly the ones they want to make.

Friday, October 9, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for The Doing Good Model

 The Doing Good Model
In The Doing Good Model, businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison argues that all leaders and entrepreneurs must embrace their potential and become true change agents. To illustrate this process, Arison taps into her years of business and philanthropic leadership experience to share the 13 values that compose her sustainable business modelArison demonstrates that by aligning their organizations’ actions with sustainable values and believing in something bigger, leaders can both increase profits and reach their highest potential.

Friday, October 2, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for HBR's 10 Must Reads 2015

 HBR 10 Must Reads 2015

Developing high-performance leaders, maximizing marketing effectiveness, and creating an engaged company culture are just a few of the common issues that challenge leaders and managers across companies and industries. In HBR's 10 Must Reads 2015, editors at the Harvard Business Review address some of the most common leadership and management issues through a collection of essays written by a wide variety of respected business experts.

Friday, September 25, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Changing Business from the Inside Out

 Changing Business from the Inside Out
Changing Business from the Inside Out by Timothy J. Mohin takes a comprehensive look at the growing career field of corporate responsibility (CR). It details the practice areas, key competencies, rating systems, reporting protocols, and public relations aspects of CR jobs. Professionals who work in CR must be able to communicate effectively, build relationships with stakeholders, set policies, and influence others. While colleagues may not understand how CR benefits the company, it is essential for brand building in a world that is increasingly concerned with sustainability and human rights.

Friday, September 18, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Marketing with Social Media

 Marketing with Social Media

Social media is no longer just a fad, it is the new norm. If businesses want sales results, they will need to know how to utilize social media and connect with all their clients and customers. The good news is that, unlike other marketing tools, the only cost of social media is time, and it can be used anywhere, anytime. In Marketing with Social Media, Linda Coles explains the various social media platforms and suggests how they can best be used for marketing.

Friday, September 11, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Only the Crazy and Fearless Win Big

Being bold and a little wild will bring great success to entrepreneurs and those seeking to advance their careers. This is the message of Arthur Wylie’s book, Only the Crazy and Fearless Win Big. Wylie describes six steps to achieving success, from creating a vision to dealing with the unexpected. He then presents illustrative stories of individuals who have built powerful brands, surprised the competition, followed their personal passions, and always maintained the highest level of ethics. Throughout, Wylie takes readers through his own success stories to show how anyone can win big as long as he or she is not afraid to be a little crazy.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for What Works for Women at Work

 What Works for Women at Work

Gender discrimination in the workplace may no longer be blatantly obvious, but gender bias does in fact still exist. Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey interviewed 125 women at the top of their fields in law, business, politics, and science, ranging in age from their 30s to their 70s. They found that there are four subtle biases that still permeate many workplaces. In What Works for Women at Work, these four biases are discussed and analyzed, along with the need for a shift in perspective about how it is more important for the system to change rather than for women to change their behaviors.

Friday, August 28, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for The First Mile

 The First Mile
The first mile of innovation -- where an innovation moves from an idea on paper to the market -- is often plagued by failure. In fact, less than one percent of ideas launched by big companies end up having real impact. The ideas are not the problem. The process is. As Scott D. Anthony explains in The First Mile, the best way to gain an advantage at the outset of a new enterprise is through a process of trail-and-error experimentation called DEFT: Document, Evaluate, Focus, and Test. This approach enables leaders to navigate strategic uncertainty and minimize the challenges that most often derail innovation.

Friday, August 21, 2015

New Business Book Summary of No-Drama Leadership

 No-Drama Leadership

A lack of leadership results in problematic work behaviors, such as poor performance and absenteeism. Unless supervisors take responsibility for good workplace relationships, their companies' cultures will suffer. The problems start when employees are promoted to leadership positions without the necessary skills and training, which can lead to workplace drama. In No-Drama Leadership, Marlene Chism presents a new model where everyone is a leader--from frontline employees to CEOs. This encourages people at all levels to learn from one another and become more aligned, aware, and accountable.

Friday, August 14, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for The XYZ Factor

 The XYZ Factor

The XYZ factor is a philosophy and a set of business practices rooted in principles of the Millennial generation. It creates an office culture that encourages innovation, transparency, democracy, and creativity. In The XYZ Factor, editors Nancy Lublin and Alyssa Ruderman and numerous contributors share how their work at the decidedly XYZ organization can serve as a blueprint for organizations striving to stand out from the crowd, increase engagement, and improve productivity.

Friday, August 7, 2015

New Business Book Summary for The Naked CEO

Who would have thought a successful leadership career would stem from a high school suspension. But that is what happened for Alex Malley. His school suspension is just one experience in a line of missteps that yielded important learnings that led him on a path to become a successful CEO, television host, educator, and mentor. All of these experiences inspired him to write The Naked CEO, a compilation of the learnings he has accumulated and shared over the years with young people preparing to leave college and enter the business world. Malley's key message is to never let fear or embarrassment hold people back from pursuing their dreams. Unless individuals are comfortable with their own journeys, they are unlikely to truly help others on theirs.

Friday, July 31, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Make Waves

Today’s business world calls for movement, innovation, and dynamic ideas and plans. In Make Waves, Patti Johnson provides a complete and impactful assessment of making a difference and affecting change in a wide variety of corporate structures. She believes that CEOs, executives, and managers are looking for the next generation of “wave makers,” defined as employees, staff members, or fellow leaders who seek to change conventional business modalities. To achieve success and exceed demands, needs, and goals, companies must create new avenues of thought and action and adopt a mind-set that breaks from the traditional methods and practices inherent in the course of day-to-day business.

Friday, July 24, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work . . . and What Does

Inspiring and motivating people are key aspects of leadership that are as critical as they are elusive. Leaders struggle to find ways to keep their people engaged and performing at their best, and this is largely because they misunderstand the nature of motivation. In an effort to push people to achieve results, many leaders employ counterproductive strategies. In Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work . . . and What Does, Susan Fowler reveals why traditional “carrot and stick” approaches to motivation will always fail to sustain results and explains the science behind what truly determines people’s attitudes and behaviors.

Friday, July 17, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Pitch Perfect

Verbal communication is one of the most important skills in a person’s work life. The words people choose to use in a situation, the tone of voice they adopt, their ability to express themselves concisely, and the interest they show in what others have to say can all contribute to success in landing a job or a promotion, making a sale, or closing a deal. In Pitch Perfect, Bill McGowan, a communications consultant and former television news producer, and Alisa Bowman outline seven principles anyone can put into practice to achieve pitch-perfect communication skills.

Friday, July 10, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Overworked and Overwhelmed

Most professionals do not realize that mindfulness, or the balance of awareness and intention, is the antidote to extreme stress. While mindfulness may initially seem like a complicated and elusive goal, leadership coach Scott Eblin demonstrates in his book, Overworked and Overwhelmed, that there actually is a straightforward methodology to achieving it. To this end, Eblin provides readers with an in-depth guide to the nature of mindfulness, as well as a set of mindful routines they can implement to curb feelings of burnout and be happier and more productive in both their work and home lives.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Black Hole Focus

 Black Hole Focus

The toughest decision a person will ever make is determining his or her ultimate purpose in life. Most people let life make this critical decision for them instead of making their own choices. The result is that they end up focusing on short-term objectives and frittering their lives away on endless streams of small, meaningless decisions that have no real impact. Black Hole Focusexplains how people can avoid this hollow fate, decide on a purpose, and align their lives around a chosen path.

Friday, June 26, 2015

New Business Book Summary for Fail Better

It has become a truism in business today that failure is inevitable—and that effective leaders learn from the experience of failing. But without a roadmap, turning mistakes into positive, goal-driven insights and actions can be difficult. In Fail Better, management experts Anjali Sastry and Kara Penn offer a systems approach to evaluating what does and does not work for a team, and designing new practices that will maximize the team’s capacities, skills, and opportunities. Overall, their method ensures that every failure is maximally useful in the lessons it imparts as well as the changes it inspires.

Friday, June 19, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Bringing Strategy Back

Reverse innovation is the idea that many innovations originate in developing countries and trickle up to wealthier nations. In this fashion, the future of true growth and innovation will come from Asia, the Middle East, and the like. In Bringing Strategy Back, Jeffrey Sampler explores how companies in the East that are accustomed to chaos and turmoil are proactively responding to change. In order to succeed in today’s constantly shifting marketplace, companies in the West must learn from those in the East and ditch their traditional, reactive approaches to dealing with unexpected global turbulence.

Friday, June 12, 2015

New business book summary available for Mindfulness at Work

The professional world is characterized by high levels of stress, discontentment, and burnout. Individuals spend their entire lives laboring in their chosen professions, and the joyless attitudes that define much of the modern approach to work produces palpably unpleasant results. Spurred by the prevalence of mindless misery in the workplace, Dr. Stephen McKenzie pennedMindfulness at Work in an attempt to introduce the meditative discipline of mindfulness to today’s modern professionals. By offering helpful tips on integrating mindfulness practices into people’s everyday jobs, Dr. McKenzie explores how forging meaningful connections results in positive health benefits, increased job satisfaction, and improved performance.

Friday, June 5, 2015

New Summary Available for Compassionate Careers

Members of today’s young Millennial generation strive to become part of something bigger than themselves. Despite the social stigmas, family objections, and financial concerns that have typically deterred people from cause-driven work, many young people today are seeking compassionate careers in cause-focused organizations. By following the nine-step framework detailed by Jeffrey W. Pryor and Alexandra Mitchell in Compassionate Careers, young people can discover what they truly care about, explore their opportunities, build their connections, and get started in their pursuits of compassionate careers. The framework can be applied to navigate young people toward the paths that will bring meaning into both their work and personal lives.

Friday, May 29, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Moms Mean Business

In the United States alone, women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men, and many of those women are moms. In Moms Mean Business, Erin Baebler and Lara Galloway target moms who want to be entrepreneurs—and those with businesses already underway—who need support and advice on how to optimally juggle family and business concerns. The authors discuss the importance of a relatable business plan, realistic time management, continued self-care, and identifying and staying true to one’s authentic self. They provide clear, practical strategies for all phases of starting up, nurturing, and running a successful business.

Friday, May 22, 2015

New Summary Available for Actionable Intelligence

Leaders yearn for valuable information to help them assess risks and analyze opportunities quickly and efficiently. Businesses are fed large amounts of information for their operations, but they typically lack a central, enterprise-wide approach that lets them view all the data at one time. Also, information gathering can be time consuming, costly, and difficult. In Actionable Intelligence, Kevin B. Carter shows that business leaders are seeking actionable intelligence: the right information available at their fingertips, providing the knowledge they need to more easily make timely decisions and take proactive actions. With Carter’s approach, big data has the potential to make life easier for all business stakeholders to deliver sustainable improvements. He details a new way of approaching data that can spark organizations to think bigger and act better.

Friday, May 15, 2015

New Summary Available for The Elements of Mentoring

Mentors are the responsible leaders in a relationship that should be mutually rewarding. The ultimate goal is to develop a protégé that is more capable, more comfortable, more confident, and better connected within the organization. Like any relationship, mentorships require planning, goal setting, reinforcement, nurturing, and regular review to ensure that both individuals are getting what they need from the partnership. In The Elements of Mentoring, W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley discuss the components of a successful mentorship, as well as the pitfalls that must be avoided to see it through to a successful end.

Friday, May 8, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Seven Disciplines of a Leader

Leaders make or break organizations. To help organizations succeed, Jeff Wolf and Ken Shelton have condensed Wolf’s Leadership Development Program into their book, Seven Disciplines of a Leader. It is based on Wolf’s 14 years of executive coaching and management training for international clients. Readers will learn how to motivate and inspire people to improve decision making, teamwork, and employee engagement. As a result, they will help their organizations attract the best people, which is the key to organizational excellence and, ultimately, profitability and growth. Wolf and Shelton have drawn on real-world examples—both positive and negative—to develop and illustrate their ideas. They also emphasize the “soft skills” that separate managers from true leaders.

Friday, May 1, 2015

New summary available for Mastering the World of Marketing

Marketing is changing, and many marketers feel overwhelmed with questions about how to respond to that change. At the same time, more information is available today about marketing than ever before. In Mastering the World of Marketing, Eric Taylor and David Riklan offer readers 50 individual articles on topics from social media to psychological triggers to networking. Each article is written by a different author who is an expert in a particular marketing topic or practice. The book’s purpose is to give readers ideas for marketing initiatives and act as a resource guide for marketers.

Friday, April 24, 2015

New Summary Available for Jumpstart Your Leadership

In Jumpstart Your Leadership, Shawn Doyle summarizes 10 key principles that will help current leaders become better leaders and help future leaders get a head start on techniques they will need to become great leaders. The principles, along with tips and techniques, are presented as “jolts” that can jumpstart efforts toward becoming authentic, motivating, and effective leaders. Leaders who apply the principles will see a striking change in results and become the boss on whose team everyone wants to be assigned.

Friday, April 17, 2015

New summary available for Sticking Points

For the first time in history, four generations (Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials) are working alongside one another, each completely different from the others. Each new generation brings about change, and if an organization wants to survive, it cannot fight that change. Instead, it must find ways of mixing the old with the new. Generational differences have the ability to tear teams apart, but in Sticking Points, Haydn Shaw provides a practical resource for working through these differences.

Friday, April 3, 2015

New Summary Available for Management Strategies for the Cloud Revolution

Depending on who is talking, the cloud can be anything from a revolutionary technology that will forever transform the digital world to nothing more than a big batch of servers end users connect with over the Internet—in other words, nothing new or remarkable. While the debate over the value and viability of the cloud is ongoing, the migration to cloud computing is well underway. InManagement Strategies for the Cloud Revolution, author and technology expert Charles Babcock seeks to make sense out of the debate by explaining what the cloud is and is not, the opportunities it offers, and how businesses can maximize its value now and into the future. Babcock makes the case that regardless of a person’s opinion of the cloud, everyone can benefit from understanding more about what it is, what it can do, and how to leverage its capabilities. For businesses, developing a comprehensive cloud management strategy is a strategic imperative.

Friday, March 27, 2015

New Summary Available for Your Perfect Presentation

In Your Perfect Presentation, Bill Hoogterp conveys many important principles of public speaking, such as the importance of telling stories, the unique value of obtaining constant feedback, and the need for continual improvement. Focusing first and foremost on dramatically improving individual presentations, Hoogterp also applies the same principles and techniques to conducting meetings and conference calls, hosting and participating in panel discussions, giving motivational speeches, and developing and delivering effective elevator pitches.

Friday, March 20, 2015

New Summary Available for HARD Goals

Many people attribute not achieving their goals to poor execution or a lack of motivation. The truth is that most goals fail because they were subpar from the moment they were set. In HARD Goals, author and CEO of Leadership IQ Mark Murphy taps into scientific research to demonstrate that by utilizing psychological tricks and techniques, people can not only set better goals, but also kick-start the motivation necessary to see them all the way through to completion. To this end, Murphy provides readers with the essential steps to develop superior, inspirational goals along with insight into their successful implementation.

Friday, March 13, 2015

New Summary Available for The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble

The U.S. budget deficit represents a major risk to the health of the American economy. In fiscal year 2010, the deficit was around $1.3 trillion. Experts believe that by 2020 the national debt will more than double from these levels. In all likelihood, tax rates, inflation, and interest rates will increase. In light of these developments, investors must reexamine their strategies and develop new plans for taking advantage of the new economic environment. In The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble, Russ Koesterich offers advice on how individuals can adjust their investment portfolios to protect their financial well-being.

Friday, March 6, 2015

New summary available for Find Grant Funding Now!

More and more businesses are seeking alternate forms of financing, including through government and foundation grants. In Find Grant Funding Now!, Sarah Beth Aubrey shares her winning strategies for securing different types of grant funding. Every year there are hundreds of billions of grant dollars aimed at promoting business activities, and Aubrey explains how entrepreneurs and businesses can take their ideas, develop them into fundable projects, and find the right grants. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

New Summary Available for The 10X Rule

People have long sought a definitive answer to why some people succeed in life and in business and why others do not. While there are no shortcuts or magic bullets to achieving success, author Grant Cardone believes he can point to a discipline and mind-set that transforms average people into high achievers. In The 10X Rule, Cardone explains that those who attain great success have bold goals and high levels of activity. They set targets that are 10 times higher than they think necessary and put forth 10 times the effort that others do. This a principle can be used to become a high achiever in any aspect of life—spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, career, or financial—and outlines how both individuals and organizations should manage the formation and realization of all their goals. The 10X Rule establishes why success is important, why realistic goals are useless, and why massive levels of action are imperative.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

New Summary Available for The Brain Sell

In the last 50 years, neuroscience has made tremendous strides in understanding the brain, even developing techniques to measure people’s thoughts and emotions in real time. For advertisers and marketers, brain research is enormously beneficial for improving market research findings and designing more enticing retail experiences. In The Brain Sell, Dr. David Lewis draws from his own experiences as a neuroscience researcher to relate how neuroscience, behavioral economics, and consumer psychology have led to the development of increasingly more effective methods of advertising and retailing. Dr. Lewis also explores the fields of data collection and analysis, and discusses concerns consumers have about how their personal data is being collected and studied.

Friday, February 13, 2015

New summary available for Winning from Within

Winning from Within provides a road map to aid readers in understanding their inner landscapes and develop more agility to access all their intrinsic leadership characteristics. It provides a seven-step method for closing the “performance gaps” so many people have in key conversations between what they know they should say or do with their actual behaviors. Using real-life case studies from coaching clients in business critical or personally meaningful conversations, Erica Ariel Fox helps readers learn to navigate high stakes interactions—from business deals, client calls, and team meetings to family arguments, landlord disputes, and parent-teacher conferences—to improve results at work and achieve more of what matters most to them.

Friday, February 6, 2015

New Summary Available for Uncommon Leadership

Phil Higson and Anthony Sturgess believe that what is known about good leadership is not commonly practiced. They have written Uncommon Leadership to help bring effective leadership practices out of the shadows. Their five-part model helps leaders identify solutions, change their companies’ cultures, focus on customer service, serve employees, and share power.

Friday, January 30, 2015

New Summary Available for Coaching for Breakthrough Success

Coaching is gaining recognition in businesses throughout the country, and becoming a coach can be personally fulfilling. Coaching for Breakthrough Success by Jack Canfield and Peter Chee is a comprehensive guide for people interested in coaching, either as a career or as a management practice. The authors describe the attitude successful coaches need, the specific practices they can implement in each coaching conversation, and the overarching techniques they can employ in the coaching relationship. Great coaching is guided by principles that symbolize the heart of the coach. These principles, which can be grouped into eight categories, are essential for all coaches to follow.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Summary Available for Get Clients Now!

In Get Clients Now!, author and Master Certified Coach C.J. Hayden demonstrates how independent professionals, consultants, and coaches can improve their marketing and networking skills. By offering a customizable 28-day program, Hayden empowers professionals to reach new prospective clients and win their business. Written in the style of a cookbook, Get Clients Now! provides readers with a series of innovative ingredients, strategies, steps, and recipes for success.

Friday, January 16, 2015

New summary available for Start at the End

When entrepreneurs launch their businesses, they are highly motivated by the prospect of making and keeping them successful. However, initial visualizations of success can quickly give way to a host of day-to-day concerns. Business owners easily become trapped in short-term managerial concerns and lose sight of the long-term visions that first inspired them. In Start at the End, Dave Lavinsky offers entrepreneurs and business owners a new approach to drafting business plans that keeps their focus on the end vision. Only after crafting a detailed exit strategy should they work backwards to create a short-term strategic plan that dictates their day-to-day tasks.

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Summary Available for The Digital Innovation Playbook

Despite the digital landscape of today, very few companies are able to successfully use social and digital media. In The Digital Innovation Playbook, seasoned innovator Nicholas J. Webb describes how digital, social, and new media can be used to facilitate corporate goals by forging a valuable connection with customers. Webb offers a series of tools and techniques to help develop connections with customers and launch successful innovation initiatives. To further illustrate the nature of digital innovation, Webb provides case studies of groundbreaking companies, or Innovation Superstars ®.