
Friday, September 25, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Changing Business from the Inside Out

 Changing Business from the Inside Out
Changing Business from the Inside Out by Timothy J. Mohin takes a comprehensive look at the growing career field of corporate responsibility (CR). It details the practice areas, key competencies, rating systems, reporting protocols, and public relations aspects of CR jobs. Professionals who work in CR must be able to communicate effectively, build relationships with stakeholders, set policies, and influence others. While colleagues may not understand how CR benefits the company, it is essential for brand building in a world that is increasingly concerned with sustainability and human rights.

Friday, September 18, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Marketing with Social Media

 Marketing with Social Media

Social media is no longer just a fad, it is the new norm. If businesses want sales results, they will need to know how to utilize social media and connect with all their clients and customers. The good news is that, unlike other marketing tools, the only cost of social media is time, and it can be used anywhere, anytime. In Marketing with Social Media, Linda Coles explains the various social media platforms and suggests how they can best be used for marketing.

Friday, September 11, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for Only the Crazy and Fearless Win Big

Being bold and a little wild will bring great success to entrepreneurs and those seeking to advance their careers. This is the message of Arthur Wylie’s book, Only the Crazy and Fearless Win Big. Wylie describes six steps to achieving success, from creating a vision to dealing with the unexpected. He then presents illustrative stories of individuals who have built powerful brands, surprised the competition, followed their personal passions, and always maintained the highest level of ethics. Throughout, Wylie takes readers through his own success stories to show how anyone can win big as long as he or she is not afraid to be a little crazy.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

New Business Book Summary Available for What Works for Women at Work

 What Works for Women at Work

Gender discrimination in the workplace may no longer be blatantly obvious, but gender bias does in fact still exist. Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey interviewed 125 women at the top of their fields in law, business, politics, and science, ranging in age from their 30s to their 70s. They found that there are four subtle biases that still permeate many workplaces. In What Works for Women at Work, these four biases are discussed and analyzed, along with the need for a shift in perspective about how it is more important for the system to change rather than for women to change their behaviors.