The Big Idea
“Everybody experiences far more than he understands. Yet it is experience, rather than understanding, that influences behavior.” - Marshall McLuhan
This quote underlines a truth that seems evident, yet few of us really think about the deeper meaning of how much influence is exerted upon us from our environment, seemingly many times without our conscious consent. There is a better way if you feel you don’t have all the authority, money, or clout you need to effect real, positive change.
Applied consciously, it creates a powerful, irresistible message that promotes growth in personal lives, relationships and businesses.
It’s called Outfluence.
Outfluence turns conventional thinking about influence upside down—making a powerful force available to anyone who chooses to use it.
Why You Need This Book
This book will introduce the power of silent communication and teach you principles and behaviors to help you become more effective in your day-to-day interactions. It will also teach you that the effort extended to show others that we care makes an impression – whether our approach is in the form of speaking, writing, listening, or practicing patience and respect.
What is Outfluence?
Outfluence is a lifestyle comprised of silent communication principles and behaviors. Outfluence is a focused form of nonverbal communication.
The philosophy behind the concept is that our silent communication often speaks more effectively for us than does our auditory communication.
Outfluence is a constant messaging process that we engage in purposely and, frequently, silently. It’s focused on the relationship between you and a current customer, on the budding connection between you and a prospective client, or on a developing personal bond.
Financial rewards are part of being a successful practitioner of Outfluence, but money is not the only benefit. Relationship building is a valuable reward when all parties to a business venture are inspired to do their best and are focused on making each other successful.
The Difference between Influence and Outfluence
Influence is an ephemeral power that operates without any direct or apparent effort. It is usually associated with prestige, wealth, ability, power, or position.
How do you influence if you don’t have prestige, wealth, ability, or position? You turn to social influence.
People bend to peer pressure in an attempt to fit in. They do it to acquire social influence.
Traditional methods of influence serve a purpose when honorably employed. But there is a better way to influence: it’s called Outfluence.
An Outfluencer always looks outward, desiring to help another person first, secondarily thinking about the Outfluencer’s positive purpose.
The Value of Silent Communication
Outfluence is valuable and accessible to you for these reasons:
Outfluence is delivered from the source (you) directly to the recipient when you are ready. When you implement Outfluence, you are always reaching the right person or entity.
Outfluence will amplify your quiet voice and help you to navigate the obstacles to communication. Impact is delivered silently over time by using low frequency messages such as your thoughtful actions, respectful voice, and well-crafted writings. In the process, your confidence will grow and your timidity will subside.
The point is that people notice everything you do. Your silent actions have meaning. If you can silently perform your job with a deliberate strategy that focuses on giving rather than getting, you have a better chance at having your actions interpreted as you intend them.
The concept that Outfluence is helpful to everyone was demonstrated beautifully by a judge at a jury trial in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland.
During the jury selection process, the judge spent about 25 minutes telling the jurors about the history of the jury system. The jury undertook their duties with an enlightened perspective on the depth of their responsibility to serve.
Inspired Performance
Inspiration makes the difference between a mediocre act and a stellar performance. When you’re in the presence of someone who is inspired, your blood moves a little faster, and your eyes shine a little brighter.
The feeling is magnetic, a natural high. The components of an inspired performance are:
• Desire – you have to want to perform exceptionally well;
• Compassion – you have to be sensitive to the needs of other people and care about meeting their needs;
• Courage – you have to be willing to step forward and risk failure;
• Faith – you have to believe in a positive outcome.
Is there a formula for achieving an inspired performance?
In preparing to serve, it is necessary to first develop your knowledge base and your skills to your highest ability, and to maintain them at a high level. Service is meaningless without high-quality, inspired performance.
Before entering a business meeting, tell yourself that whatever happens from this point forward will be positive, no matter what. People enjoy working with cooperative, engaging, competent, inspired people.
You have surely noticed that when you get angry with someone, they tend to get angry back. When you smile at someone, they tend to smile back.
Inspire your performance by identifying the profile of your ideal client. That will make it easy to inspire step three, which is to service them really well.
You want to fight for every detail in your work. Whether you are a new professional or an experienced professional, you should know the importance of fighting for every detail.
Negative people absorb your energy. Their attitude will influence your behavior unless you are emotionally and intellectually strong and aware.
If you fall into a pattern of complaining about life, you will attract more things to complain about.
How will you know when Outfluence has worked? You will know when your customer, or a prospective customer, asks one of the following questions.
“Will we see you again next time?” The form of the first question indicates that your customer wishes to do business specifically with you next time; the second question implies that your customer really is not concerned who does the work next time.
How else will you know that Outfluence has worked effectively?
Here’s why it will: over time you will fine-tune your ability to accurately assess people in those first few moments of seeing them, greeting them, or interacting with them.
You will learn to respectfully move away from people and situations that put you at risk, either physically or psychologically, and you will confidently move toward people who exhibit Outfluence traits that make them appealing to you.
Outfluence is people relating to people. Outfluence principles?
Can you attract people into your life who are positive and uplifting? Can your life be better if you Outfluence other people? Good people lead you to other good people and good experiences.
Outfluence can make you a better person, and inspired performance can make you better at your job. In combination, those two attributes can make your life and your work more interesting, more fun, and less stressful.
You have every reason to believe that your journey on the path of Outfluence and inspired performance will have a positive result. Know that as your life changes people will be watching, and they will follow your lead.
Be hopeful that as time passes you will begin to recognize your Outfluence progeny in the world.
BusinessSummaries.com is a business book summaries service. Every week, it sends out to subscribers a 9- to 12-page summary of a best-selling business book chosen from among the hundreds of books printed out in the United States. For more information, please go to http://www.bizsum.com
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