Miami, Florida, January 7, 2009—, one of the leading e-commerce sites for business book summaries, announces that Sam Carpenter, acclaimed author of the book Work the System (published by North Sister Publishing in 2008), is the Author of the Month for January 2009.
There is nothing mystical in Work the System – no airy-fairy platitudes, no feel-good, unsupportable theories of reality that offer little more than immediate comfort. This book is not about right or wrong, religion or politics, or about turning our world upside down. Instead, it aims to give its readers simple and dispassionate direction for finding freedom and wealth in the world they inhabit.
Carpenter advocates the adoption of seemingly basic but exceedingly meaningful and effective steps that in his experience will allow those who implement them to bring about incredible change in their workplaces – and their lives as well. These steps are not to be taken lightly as those who undertake them will undergo elementary yet fundamental shifts in perspective and will also need to invest heavily in improving their lives, although this is of course a superb investment that will result in many rewards.
Carpenter’s method includes documentation, or the creation of written goals and principles to serve as guidelines for action; separation, dissection and repair of systems; and ongoing maintenance of existing systems. In addition, the actual steps “to work less and make more” themselves include such deceptively simple procedures as ceasing to simply “do the work” (focus on your proper job and delegate everything else) to wise usage of time, creation of written documentation, elimination of time-wasters, and working for 98 percent perfection instead of fixating on 100 percent all the time.
For small business owners, corporate ladder climbers, and nine-to-fivers, Work the System is no less than a down-to-earth, “boots-on the-ground” blueprint for breaking free. Work the System will help make a few simple but meaningful adjustments to the way jobs or businesses are approached – and also help them experience the freedom and wealth that come from working less and making more.
The editorial staff interviewed Sam about his book and the story behind it. Key excerpts from the interview are posted on the BusinessSummaries website. The summary of “Work the System” was released to’s subscribers on December 22, 2008.
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