Can you be trusted?
Trust is the cornerstone of your business and personal life, but do you clearly understand what trust is? Do you know how to develop trust in all areas of your life? Can you determine if others view you and your organization as trustworthy?
By examining the role of trust in sales, management, branding and marketing, customer service, and leadership, author Vanessa Hall gives you the tools you need to earn trust, reap the rewards, and stand apart from the competition. The Truth about Trust in Business will help you strengthen all your relationships and allow you to build a business and personal life anchored to a rock-solid foundation based on the assessment of expectations, needs, and promises.
With a practical model, compelling insights, real case studies, and easy-to-implement tips, Hall offers you knowledge of how to ensure that trust, once established, is not broken; guidance on how to become more trustworthy, as a person or an organization; advice about how to build trustworthy brands and businesses; and assessment tools for determining how trustworthy you are in each area of business.
A lot of people talk about trust, particularly in the current economic climate, but few comprehend the dynamics of trust. With insight gained from years of experience and a deep commitment to strengthening society’s core values, Hall delivers an effective and critical tool for building trust.
The full summary of The Truth About Trust in Business is available on BusinessSummaries.com.
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